(Prevod na srpski) Parents often want to know how education works in other countries. I have no idea what you[…]
Read moreTag: John Hoffman
Autizam (prvi deo)
Najnovija kanadska istraživanja su pokazala da je moguće poboljšati mozak dece sa autizmom Siguran sam da je autizam jednako važna[…]
Read moreAutism (Part One) – Canadian study on DIR/Floortime therapy
(Prevod na srpski) New Canadian research shows that it is possible to change the brains of children with autism. by[…]
Read moreJohn Hoffman
John Hoffman has been one of Canada’s leading parenting journalist, and one of the world’s leading writers on the subject[…]
Read moreAutizam (drugi deo)
U ovom tekstu, kada govorim o DIR/Floortime terapiji, nameravam da osvetlim onaj deo terapije koji se odnosi na pomoć koju[…]
Read moreAutism (Part Two)
(Prevod na srpski) When talking about DIR/Floortime therapy it is tempting to focus on the part of it that involves[…]
Read moreAutizam (3. deo) – Kanadska studija o DIR Floortime terapiji
Zbog čega je ovo istraživanje značajno? Verujem da je kanadska studija o DIR/Floortime terapiji, o kojoj sam pisao u prethodna[…]
Read moreAutism (Part Three)
(Prevod na srpski) Why is this study important? I believe that the Canadian study on DIR/Floortime therapy, which I have[…]
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